208 |
Year(2021) Ending Party at Savar Club in Bangladesh - Lunch with all t..
Bando Global(BD) |
2022/01/09 |
207 |
Zoom meeting in October
2021/11/02 |
206 |
Self-preventive measures against COVID19 epidemic
Bando Vina |
2021/09/21 |
205 |
Bando Vina - COVID19 vaccination
Bando Vina |
2021/09/21 |
204 |
3rd Annual Ross-BG Summit NYC
BG USA, Inc. |
2021/08/18 |
203 |
KJ in NYC Seeing a Light at the End of the COVID-19 Tunnel
BG USA, Inc. |
2021/05/15 |
202 |
Garden in the Bando vina Factory
Bando Vina |
2021/04/28 |
201 |
DAKS Owner's meeting in Turnberry golf resort, Scotland' 1997
2021/03/12 |
200 |
Planting Ceremony at Bando ECO
Bando Global (BD) |
2021/02/28 |
199 |
Dhaka teamwork building event - Golf play at Savar Golf Glub
Bando Global (BD) |
2021/02/23 |
198 |
Last day of the lunar calendar 2020
Bando Vina |
2021/02/17 |
197 |
Awarding Appreciation plaque & Memorial ring for employees with 10 yea..
Bando Vina |
2021/02/17 |
196 |
Anniversary of the garment industry (12th.Dec of Lunar calendar)
Bando Vina |
2021/01/28 |
195 |
Year end dinner 2020
Bando Vina |
2021/01/28 |
194 |
Pandemic Won't Stop Team Bando from Communicating
BG USA, Inc. |
2020/07/30 |